The Daily Run

Back to….. Terrible.

So in attempting to stick to my “running plan” (if that’s what it can be called) this week, today was a 5-6km easy run.

I achieved the 6km part, but the easy part wasnt so easy.

I really felt ordinary today. Mostly in my upper half. Seemingly always on the verge of developing a stitch. Never really feeling like I had any rhythm or good positioning. For example, I felt like my arms were always in the wrong “groove”. Super weird day today.

The pace wasnt super slow, but it felt like a challenge to keep it where it was.

  • 6.07km
  • 5:56 minute / km pace
  • 7.16km total
  • Asics Superblast

In hindsight, I feel like I should have gone out even slower, and just let momentum take me to the pace I needed for today. I noticed a few times where I had to remind myself, “today is an easy run, go slower”.

I did make it through the 6km fine though. I could have probably made it all the way to 7 without really any issue. But, my brain is still telling me to build up slowly after “hamstring gate”.

Id definitely mark today down as feeling terrible though. Some days you just cant pick it. Maybe I had a bad sleep, maybe not enough fuel, or the wrong fuel. Today the stars just didnt align.

Hoping to bounce back tomorrow. Tomorrow we’re attempting a little harder “tempo run”. haha, who am I kidding, it will be the same run as today, I’ll probably just sweat more.

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