The Daily Run

Nursing the legs carefully

So im still on track, thats the main thing. February 15 and we’ve still managed to run every day for the year. Ive missed a few blogs I think somewhere along the line, but, the proof is in the watch data, every day ive been running.

But is this the injury I had to have? Something to remind me that im not 26 anymore, and that my body will break down.

Sounds ridiculous to even say. But this goes to the point that im just a normal guy, without any real out of the ordinary athletic ability. My body will not just keep on going if I dont look after it.

My hamstring has been incredibly sore. I honestly dont think its anything bad. Perhaps a solid strain? I have no idea with these things. Ive been doing my best to roll it out on the foam roller regularly.

Today I waited until the evening to run for 2 reasons. To give myself 2 almost full days of no running to rest. Secondly so that ive got a full day of walking around, little bit of stretching and movement, so that hopefully it gets through ok. As opposed to getting out of bed and running without things really being warmed up.

I got through ok. 1.5km on the nose to achieve the daily minimum. Very very very slow pace, 8 minute km.

I didnt experience any pain whilst running. But it feels like my hamstring is extremely tight and short. Like if I started to run normally, it might snap.

I have no doubt at all, rest is what I need to be doing here. But, a streak is a streak, and im not making the olympic team anytime soon. So we forge on!

Tomorrow I’ll again wait until the evening, go for a small run. Hopefully im 10% better each morning, and by about monday next week im back out for longer running.


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